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It all started in 2016 when I made my first trip to the Pacific Ocean, in Polynesia. Traveling to these Earths allowed me to feel deeply connected with the universe. I then settled down there for a year to soak up the healing energies and (re)find myself in my true and multi-dimensional Being. You can find more of my story here .
In 2020, when I moved to the Swiss border, I met a therapist Code Lémuria, the bio-energy treatment method coming from the ancestral energy of the Pacific .
Today I am trained in this bio-energetic therapy which allows you to generate abundance , health - a deep feeling of peace and harmony - by restoring the resonance between your Being (Soul), your body physics and the universe.

Code Lemuria is an ancestral bioenergetic system of physical and energetic action, it allows us to reconnect our bodily vehicle (our physical body and our mind) to who we really are (our Being). This is possible through knowledge of the function and structure of our vital systems, represented in the universal hologram. This hologram was passed down to us by our ancestors. This treatment is one of the most powerful energy treatments known to date. It allows a large quantity of energy to circulate.
During therapy, a sequence of points is evaluated. These reconnect the physical and energetic body to the hologram of the earth and restore the original connection with it and our solar system. This allows us to act on the lines of force which run through the body and which have a correspondence with our Mother Earth. In this way, we restore the correct resonance between our physical and energetic body and the universal hologram.

Who can receive treatment?
Anyone, as long as they are over 18, or with parental consent in the case of children. It's a powerful tool, which can be used on its own, or in conjunction with other complementary techniques and medical treatments. The latter must be respected. There is no interruption of ongoing treatments.
Healing recycles the body's own energy, allowing it to regain its power and authority. This promotes healing, abundance and love.
A minimum of 3 treatments is recommended for a complete therapy.
What can be treated?
As a general rule, when there is an inner conflict or repressed negative emotion, the circulation of the human hologram energy is impeded. This causes emotional and/or physical problems. These treatments cleanse and unblock this energy, so that it can flow smoothly again, and be linked with the energy of the universe.
The treatments can be used to deal with emotions such as depression, themes of abundance, somatic illnesses and so on. It's a powerful therapy tool that can be used alone or in conjunction with other methods.
To make an analogy, it's as if our physical body were a horse, and our soul the rider. When the rider is aligned with his horse, he steers it safely. A problem can arise when the rider (the being we really are) becomes disconnected from the horse (the physical body), losing its alignment. In this case, the horse will react independently and instinctively, far from the natural feeling of the being. This is where the Lemuria Code comes in. It corrects the confusion that has arisen, reprogramming or aligning the rider so that he can once again take control of his horse and his life, thus enabling healing.
It's important to note that this is a therapy used in integrative medicine. It promotes and supports other treatments. It involves working as a team with other therapeutic schools, both formal and informal, for the benefit of the recipient.
Medical information
Bio-energetic treatment is intended to support and complement official medical care, but never to replace a qualified medical practitioner.

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