Discover all the dimensions of the Sirian star system:
Sirius Star Training
Concrete historical, scientific, mythological, astronomical elements on the stars Sirius A, B and C: their place in the Universe
Sirius in astrology: locate the star in the natal chart and analyze its influence and what it says about you
Discover its connection to Isis Auset in ancient Egypt (Kemet), the Dogons and the lost civilizations of Atlantis
Representations of this star in Ancient Egypt (archaeo-astronomy), study of temples
Learn the benefits of stellar treatment with Sirius energy
Sirius star of the Soul and the 13th chakra
The symbol and the mantra in an energy treatment, the complete protocol: treat with this energy
21 days of detailed self-care
Meditation “Connection with the Sirian star system”
Receive an activation to practice your treatments
Become a teacher and in turn train other practitioners
Free: e-book Atlantis, Edouard Shirley
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